Inspections resume – AAFCO update

As of July 1st, the  FDA has officially resumed surveillance inspections. As of this moment, the FDA claims they will give 1-2 days notice to the manufacturer of a pending surveillance inspection. Manufacturers have already been notified that “for cause” inspections...

Inspections of Pet Food Manufacturers are Back

Last year,  with the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, we were notified that the FDA would suspend inspections into food and pet food facilities as feeding our nation was a priority. Recently, however, showing a (not surprising) lack of communication and/or...


Have you experienced it yet? In this day and age, I’d be surprised if a business hasn’t been hacked. We’ve had our turn – the Next Gen PFMA website was hacked about three months ago. Don’t worry. No sympathy needed. It is what it is and I think valuable lessons...
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