Last week was a big week for Next Gen PFMA  for two reasons, one of which has me very frustrated (but equally determined) and the other is amazing news for all of our members.
First,  it was a big week because we participated in two work groups for AAFCO.  We are doing great work, being heard, contributing to the conversation and being heeded as well. Going from a group of pet food manufacturers having NO voice for too long, to securing a seat at the planning table… well, this is great news.
The not so great, frustrating news?   Well, to secure this seat at the table — as your representative — I had to agree to a certain confidentiality.  This, of course, makes sense.   However, what it means is that only a very small percentage of pet food manufacturers — JUST OUR MEMBERS — will have access to the critical labeling information coming down the pike for them.
This is MOST frustrating because, as such a new association,  far too many pet food manufacturers — who haven’t yet heard of us, or haven’t yet joined—  will be missing out of this information, and other “before it becomes mandated” updates and warnings…. and will, therefore, lack the advantage of advanced preparation and planning.
I say this to get you to urge your colleagues to join us, and to join yourself if you’ve been putting it off. We even created various levels of membership that will work for ANY budget.  You can find it here.    Still not convinced of the value of membership? Take a look at this:
Just before Christmas, I will be getting trained to serve our members as an Animal Food Preventative Controls Qualified Individual.  I’ll be summarizing all I learn into a free training for our members who want to get ahead of the game on FSMA compliance without spending a fortune to hire an outsider to do it for them.

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